ISK Holds Consultative Meeting With Cabinet Secretary Ministry Of Lands And Physical Planning

ISK Council led by Chair Abraham Samoei  held a consultative meeting with the Cabinet Secretary, Farida Karoney to discuss matters of mutual concern to both the Ministry and ISK on 16th May 2018 at the Ministry of land offices Ardhi House.

ISK Council meeets the Ministry of Lands CS Farida Karoney on 16th May 2018 at Ardhi House

The issues discussed during the meeting included:-

a) Fastracking amendments to Valuers Act, Cap 532; Estate Agents Act, Cap 533; Survey Act cap 299 and Sectional Properties Act, 1987. The Institution has been spearheading the review of these legislations, which are now at different legislative stages, seeks to address existing gaps and smoothen implementation.

The CS was in agreement that the proposed amendments are long overdue and critical to the implementation of Government big four agenda. She committed to ensuring that they are enacted before the end of 2018.

b) The Council enlisted support from the Cabinet Secretary in pushing for faster enactment of ISK Statute and Land Administration Managers (LAMS) bill. ISK Statute that seeks to establish the Institution under an Act of parliament and subsequently enhance its capacity to regulate the practice, whereas the LAMS bill seeks to establish land administration as a distinct profession.

c) The ISK Chair informed the CS that Institution supports the ongoing initiative by the Ministry to digitize Land Records in the registries. The Council further implore upon the Ministry to consider also digitizing other relevant processes leading to the titling including land survey records.

ISK was informed that the ministry is working towards expanding the process and are in the process of seeking more resources.

ISK shall also be incorporated in the task force to oversee the implementation of the current digitization process.

d) Re-Constitution of Land Surveyors Board: The Council brought to the attention of the CS that the LSB is not currently constituted due to lack of quorum. She committed to follow up and give a response to the Council within four days.

e) Public open days; the Ministry and ISK agreed to work on programmes to enlighten the members of public on the land administration processes and procedures, through public open days.

Ministry of Lands CS Farida Karoney engages  with the ISK Council delegation led by Chairman Abraham Samoei during courtesy call on 16th May 2018

Other officials from the Ministry who were in attendance at the meeting were Chief Administrative Officer, Hon. Gideon Mung’aro, Director of Survey, Mr. Cesare Mbaria, EARB Registrar, Mr. Charles Moemi.

ISK Council members and staff who attended the meeting were; Deputy Chair, Dr. Hussein Farah, Eric Nyadimo, Emily Njeru, Morris Omollo and Evans Kipkoech. Secretariat staff were Moses Kiambuthi, Elizabeth Mulae and Robert Koech.