Dennis Deus Presents on Matrimonial Act during Gatanga land Clinic
The land clinic, a mechanism used by ISK to sensitise the public on land matters has been ongoing from 2014 and has been able to Visit 7 counties among them Machakos, Nakuru, Siaya, Bungoma, Baringo, Embu and Muranga Count
The ISK Pr& Editorial Members with Gatanga grassroots committee members after the Land clinic.
The stategic invitation of the county commissioners,assistant county commisioners ,senior Chiefs,Maendeleo ya wanawake women representatives and land board members acts as a tool to eanble them desiminate the information learned to large public groups during barazas.Presentations focused on succession, boundary disputes, Matrimonial property Act and how to maximum value from land.
Surveyor Samuel Nthuni presents on Land Boundary disputes during the Gatanga land clinic.
Questions arising from the presentations included the succession procedure, reasons the land board can reject a consent, Double selling and how its handled in legal terms, Adverse possession ,The terms and conditions of leasehold etc.
We welcome members to participate in upcoming land clinics and ISK activities to ensure the public is well educated on land and property matters.