ISK Members Approve Implementation of IPMS Standard for Office Buildings

IPMS is a standardised and globally applicable method for measuring property. It aims at addressing current inconsistencies in the way property of all types is measured from one market to the next, improving property market data and providing greater transparency. The members requested the team working on the ISK Standard Manual for Building Surveyors (BS), Land Administration Managers (LAMs) and Valuers & Estate Management Surveyors (VEMs) to incorporate the Standard in the Manual.
In addition, the forum agreed that ISK should join the International Property Measurements standard Coalition (IPMSC) which is a group of 68 professional and not-for-profit organisations from around the world, working together to develop and implement international standards for measuring property. Some of the other members of the Coalition include Ghana Institute of Surveyors, Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers, Real Estate Institute of Zimbabwe, International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS),International Real Estate Managers (IREM) and Common Wealth Association of Surveyors (CASLE).