ISK Holds 4th Surveyors Land Clinic In Siaya County


ISK Deputy Chair Fred Oduor Makes a presentation during Siaya Land Clinic

ISK Chairman Paul Wambua and the Deputy Chairman Fred Oduor also accompanied the land clinic team which was lead by the Pr and Editorial Chair Leah Njuguna,Ronald Matende,Morris Omolo,the ISK member /Lawyer Dennis Deus and the Pr /Communication officer Elizabeth Mulae.
The Land clinic sensitised the participants on land processes and procudures through various presentation shared by  the ISK professionals.The audience which included Chiefs and sub chiefs ,women representatives land officers found the presentations knowlegdable since areas touched on were what they were dealt with on daily basis.
A grassroots land committe was formed consisiting of 7 members who where tasked to diseminate the information learned through various channels in their respective Sub counties. ISK will offer them support through  regular follow ups  and sharing of several publications on land procudures and processes and alternative disputes mechanisms.