ISK 48th Pre-AGM Conference, AGM & ADD


AGM Conference: Theme – “Expanded Scope For Professional Practice: The role of ISK Professionals in a Devolved Economy”

2017 Pre-AGM Conference for all ISK member chapters was held on the 30th March 2017 at The Vic Hotel in Kisumu. The conference theme aimed at exploring the enhanced role of the surveying professionals due to the expanded and emerging opportunities for ISK members in both the public and private sectors within the devolved Government system. Interactive breakout sessions were also held later in the day where various chapters addressed upcoming issues in the profession. The conference was well attended by about 300 members from all chapters and branches across the country.

48th Annual General Meeting and Annual Dinner
The 48th Annual General Meeting was held at The Vic Hotel in Kisumu on 31st March 2017. The AGM and ADD were hosted by ISK Kisumu Branch following the opening of the Kisumu branch offices in 2016. This was the first AGM to be held in Kisumu. Over 500 members attended both the AGM and the Annual Dinner in what was one of the highest AGM attendances in ISK history.