The Surveyors Land Clinic,an initiative of the Institution by the Pr and Editorial committe aims to visit all the counties in the Kenya with an aim of empowering the local wanachi and various opinion leaders in the communities on how to handle various issues common at the grassroot level.
The Chair ,Pr and Editoral Leah Njuguna launched the Surveyors Land Clinic in the presence of the Kangundo District Commissioner Samuel Njora,ISK Pr and Editorial Committe LAMs Chapter representative Ronald Matende, BS chapter representative Wafula Nabutola, VEMS Chapter representative Morris Omolo and Elizabeth Mulae,ISK Pr and Communication Officer.
A learning session on the various topics was presented to the 50 participants who ranged from church representatives,chiefs,assistance chiefs maendeleo ya wanawake representatives,county officials,Provincial administration officials The physically challenged and the public in general.
The ISK team empowered the Kangundo people with information on solving various land issues common in the area.Topics addressed included Succession,Land and boundary disputes,Double allocation and the issue of unsurveyed land.The team realised that there was a thirst for knowledge on solving land grievances at the grassroots level.The Pr Editorial Chair encouraged the participants to diseminate the information learned to the community through other forums to improve the knowledge of the locals on issues covered.Ms Njuguna called upon the locals to always use the services of a registered surveyor to minimize issue of losing land and property to quacks.
The Surveyors Land Clinic team will visit Nakuru,Bungoma and Meru in the coming months and other counties.A program of the Land Clinic project will be aired on Nation Television N Soko Property show this Sunday from 5.00 pm.