ISK Western Branch holds Annual Dinner

ISK Western Region on Friday 16th December 2016, held this year’s Dinner at the Sovereign Hotel in Kisumu. The Dinner was graced by ISK National Chairman, Mr. Stephen Ambani, Regional Surveyor, Mr. Ouma Isaiah, AAK Council Member Oscar Ogudo and Mr. Eric Oyuga, a property developer. The Dinner was preceded by opening of the regional office.

In his address, ISK Chairman  thanked the members for supporting the Institution’s programmes throughouth the year. He  furhter requested the members in the Western Kenya region to support the newly opened office. He noted that part of the assistance required was to encourage other eligible professionals in the region to join the institution.

ISK Chairman giving a speech during ISK Western branch end of year Dinner


ISK Western branch members follow proceedings during the Annual Dinner 



ISK Western branch members follow proceedings during the Annual Dinner